MMS Uses of Chlorine Dioxide Drops + Safety, Side Effects
Miracle Mineral Solution and Sodium chlorite solutions
Chlorine dioxide is a very powerful chemical that we can use to prevent infections. The chemical is beneficial for dental health and has antibacterial properties. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of chlorine dioxide for your health.
What is Chlorine Dioxide?
In the year 1814, a yellow-green gas called chlorine dioxide (ClO2) was found. It has been used as an antiseptic disinfectant since the beginning of the twentieth century.
Chlorine Dioxide, by nature, is an oxidant. Hence, chlorine dioxide takes electrons from the other substance whenever a chemical reaction occurs. That makes the gas very lethal to many fungi and bacteria.
When present in amounts more than 0.8 mg/L, chlorine dioxide is thought to be possibly harmful to people, to disinfect clean water from lakes and rivers, chlorine dioxide water filtration capsules are sold to backpackers, trekkers, and adventurers; if you’re using such items, ensure that you strictly read the instructions provided on the package and just never overuse them beyond the correct amount per liter.
In oxidation processes, chlorine dioxide works as an oxidizing agent, acquiring electrons and reacting with the cells’ parts.
Through extracting electrons from bacteria, the chemical bonds within the bacterium are weakened, and the cell fragments. The microorganism collapses as a consequence of this process which modifies the proteins that are present in cell structure and lowers enzyme production. The continuous action of enzymes and proteins stops the bacteria from evolving and building immunity.
Chlorine Dioxide Applications
It has antimicrobial properties
Water is regularly sterilized with chlorine dioxide to ensure that it’s safe to consume. The EPA states that 0.8 mg/L is the optimum amount of chlorine dioxide that can be present in drinkable water.
Within the pH range from 3 to 9, chlorine dioxide gas can pass through the membranes of bacteria and cause the cell’s death.
Chlorine dioxide surpassed chlorine in laboratory experiments at turning fungal spores inactive. Fracturing the cellular structure and membranes prompted the leakage of cellular components. Which finally turned the fungus dead. In a different investigation, an experiment using a chlorine dioxide solution decreased fungus and bacteria such as E. coli, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, listeria, salmonella, Candida albicans, etc. by 98.2%.
Very strong as a disinfectant
Chlorine dioxide’s antibacterial qualities sanitize food, medical equipment, and other things.
Chlorine dioxide used cautiously can effectively lower the amount of E. coli in drinking water. A lot of products with chlorine dioxide have the ability to aid in the purification of water and provide healthy drinking water.
Chlorine dioxide-treated waters in a hospital reduced the number of Legionella bacteria in a 30-month survey. Moreover, no individuals contracted Legionnaires’ disease while they were participating in the research.
The microorganisms can bring on digestive issues and the spread of diseases on vegetable seed sprouts. E. coli was removed from the radish seed using dry heat and chlorine dioxide without causing any damage to the seed. E. coli bacteria levels on baby spinach were considerably reduced by chlorine dioxide. Non-culturable microorganisms, or germs that cannot proliferate or replicate, were nevertheless still alive. The baby spinach’s grade was unaffected by this procedure, despite its less capacity for photosynthesis.
In an early study, gastrointestinal endoscopes—a device used to view the internal lining of the stomach tract—were cleaned with chlorine dioxide gas. It fully turned all bacteria inactive and sterilized each endoscope.
Oral Health
In a seven-day research involving 15 participants, foul breath was reduced with a mouthwash with chlorine dioxide. Additionally, it decreased the number of substances with harsh odors.
The chlorine dioxide was lowered salivary microorganisms that trigger gingivitis and plaques. In a different experiment with 25 healthy individuals, mouthwash with chlorine dioxide was just as efficient as chlorhexidine. The number of bacteria or the plaque level did not differ significantly.
Purifies air
Chlorine dioxide gas successfully sanitized and enhanced the indoor air quality after 3 doses. All 3 doses lowered the quantities of indoor fungus and bacteria. However, the double and triple dosage showed noticeably stronger antibacterial effects.
In hospital settings, chlorine dioxide can aid in sterilizing peroxide- and UV-resistant pathogens.
In a different research, chlorine dioxide cleaned hospital wards of harmful germs that could cause diseases.
Antiviral Function
It can also disable a virus by destroying the protein on its membrane.
It works well against
● Influenza
● Measles
● Herpes
● Adenovirus
● Hepatitis A and rotaviruses, which cause diarrhea in humans and monkeys, were also rendered inactive by chlorine dioxide solution.
Damage to cells and neurotoxic
In most cases, it’s okay for people to be exposed to small volumes of chlorine dioxide. But, Chlorine dioxide gas disrupted blood cell structure in mice and blocked DNA synthesis in a number of organs. Slight hemolytic anemia, which occurs when blood cells are removed and damaged before they reach the end of their expected lifespan, was brought on by the alterations to blood cells. R Furthermore, rats who were given oral dosing of 14 mg experienced protein disruption in the brain cells, indicating the possibility of neurotoxicity.
Products containing chlorine dioxide usually have high impurity levels.
These compounds are risky when in touch with people or food.
Different chlorine compounds, like chlorine and chloroxy anions, are the primary contributors to contaminants. They can form trihalomethane, a carcinogen, when interacting with organic material.
Side effects
Chlorite intake from chlorine dioxide can increase the likelihood of anemia in those with G6PD deficiency.
Safety information
● When found at levels higher than 10%, chlorine dioxide becomes explosive & a hazardous gas. Just about any energy source, like heat and sun, may fire it.
● In high quantities, poisonous chlorine dioxide might burn or seriously cause skin or eye irritation.
● Kidney injury may result from drinking water exceeding chlorine dioxide’s dangerous limit.
There are three different states of chlorine dioxide: gaseous, liquid, and solid.
Chlorine dioxide is best stored as a liquid or dissolved gas at 4 °C. Since it gradually separates into chlorine and oxygen, it should not be kept in storage for an extended period of time.
Miracle Mineral Solution.
A product called Miracle Mineral Solution contains sodium chlorite, which when combined with an acid (such as lemon juice), produces chlorine dioxide.
In America, UK, and Canada, it is illegal. The FDA has issued specific cautions concerning the possibly fatal harmful effects of MMS.